LDAP and LDAP Query

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a directory service protocol provides a mechanism to connect, query, and update the directories (Active Directory). LDAP directory service is based on a client-server mode. The data model (data and namespace) of LDAP is similar to the X.500 directory service standards

Active Directory differs from X.500 directory. Yes, it uses LDAP as an access protocol and supports X.500 information model without requiring systems to host the entire X.500 overhead. So we use to get high level of interoperability for administering complex networks.

LDAP Naming path are used to access Active Directory Objects and includes below:

Distinguished Name

Relative Distinguished Name

Distinguished Name

Distinguished Name gives the complete path of the object

For example:


Relative Distinguished Name

Relative Distinguished Name is the portion of the Distinguished Name that uniquely identifies the object




And the keywords are

cn: Common Name
ou: Organizational Unit
dc: Domain Component

These are the three keywords mainly used in Active Directory LDAP. other directory systems often use different keywords for their container objects (Directories like Sun one, Unix LDAP) Not in Active Directory LDAP

l:   Location
o:  Organization
st: State/Province/Federal State
c:  Country

The keyword ‘organization’ (O) is often used as top level of a non-AD directory system instead of DC keywords that always represent the top level in Active Directory environments.

Complete LDAP Paths

If you are running a VBscript, then not only the Distinguished Name (DN) of a directory object has to be provided but a complete LDAP pathname with URL (Unified Resource Locator).

Two elements need to be added to the distinguished name, label of the LDAP protocol and the server name to which you want to connect:

For example:


If the server name is not given it connect to local PC where the query runs

LDAP:// cn=Ganesh,ou=Consultants,ou=Users,dc=Domain,dc=com

How to find distinguished name or LDAP path for an Active Directory object

Extract bulk object from AD with the specific attributes

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