Force sysvol replication

By | November 27, 2009

Your can restart the FRS service to force FRS replication in an active directory

To restart the FRS service, launch services.msc from the Run option on the Start Menu
And restart the FRS service and you will get the Event ID 13516 on FRS event log this will ensure the FRS status is fine

Learn more on Force FRS/SYSVOL Replication on windows server 2008 and 2012

How do I force Sysvol replication in an active directory

Forcing Sysvol replication through NTFRSUTL

If you want to force sysvol replication between two domain controllers in an active directory then use the below procedure

NTFRSUTL FORCEREPL Command-Line Option to Force Replication

You can use the new ntfrsutl forcerepl command to enforce replication regardless of the predefined replication schedule. This is only implemented for the domain controller Sysvol replica set.

ntfrsutl forcerepl [Computer] /r [SetName] /p [DnsName]

This command forces FRS to start a replication cycle. You must specify the Computer, SetName and DnsName.

Note In this command, the following placeholders are used:
[Computer] = Connect with the NtFrs service on this machine.
[SetName] = The name of the replica set.
[DnsName] = The DNS name of the inbound partner to force replication from.

For example:

ntfrsutl.exe forcerepl DestinationDC /r “Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share)” /p

The quotation marks in this example are required when you use the /r option. If the quotation marks are not present, the command will not work.

Force SYSVOL replication on Windows 2008/Windows 2012

Understand more about SYSVOL folder structure

General SYSVOL troubleshooting

How SYSVOL replication works

Force FRS Replication on windows server 2008 and 2012


5 thoughts on “Force sysvol replication

  1. Tech Student

    sysvol is shared but netlogon is not shared. I dont see a frs service.


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