You have aware the known roaming profile issues, roaming profile will not work with the remote site (especially low bandwidth sites like VPN site) When user tries to log on to the system from one site and the configured roaming profile server in the other site then the system will not loads the roaming profile, system loads the local profile and you will get the error message like unable to load roaming profile
Most of the system admins faced these roaming profile issues, if you have an active directory environment with multiple sites and roaming profile configured user travelling between sites always complains that roaming profile will not working if he log on to the system from the site other then the site he belongs to.
If you have the roaming profile issues, then you have to check the below
System you trying to logon and your roaming profile server should be the same site otherwise roaming profile will not work, to check that you can use the below command from your system
Command to get the site name of the system you login
Nltest /dsgetsite
Command to get the site name of the roaming profile server
Nltest /dsgetsite /server “roaming profile serve name”
Both the command should result the same site name, if the profile server and the user are from different site then you need to check the site and subnet configuration
To resolve this issue
You can configure the group policy to overwrite this windows behaviour,
Configure the group policy so that the system will wait for the remote copy of the roaming user profile to load
Group policy settings
Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesSystemLogon
If you configure this group policy then system will wait for the roaming profile to load, it’s will load even if you have slow link between profile server and user system
This will be very slow depends on the network latency and bandwidth speed between roaming profile and user system
Note: Do not use this setting if you have low bandwidth sites because this will utilise more bandwidth while loading the roaming profile
Let say if the user have 2GB data on the profile folder then the 2GB data will be copied through the WAN link while the time of user login, so it’s not recommended to change the default windows behaviour.
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