Why we can’t edit/view windows 2008, Vista and windows 7 GPO settings from windows 2003

By | April 1, 2011

Unable to edit/view Group policy settings from windows 2003

If you have mixed environment like Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 then some of the group policy changes need to be configure from windows server 2008 or Windows Vista & Windows 7, you can’t edit or see the policy settings from windows 2003/windows XP because windows server 2008 Group Policies using ADMX templates unlike the windows 2003 uses the ADM file

Group policy settings are configured through the ADM/ADMX files through the GPMC/GPOE (Group Policy Management Console / Group Policy Object Editor), Windows server 2003 uses the ADM file to edit the policy, and Windows server 2008 uses the ADMX file to edit the policy

Anyway it will not affect the client and group policy processing, only difference is the system which is used to edit the group policy, requires these ADM/ADMX files, Editing Group Policies using ADMX templates requires that the editing tools be run only on Microsoft Vista, Server 2008 and Windows 7. ADM templates can be edited on Windows XP or Server 2003

More new group policy settings has been added in windows server 2008 to manage the environment effectively, all this new settings can be configurable through Microsoft Vista, Server 2008 and Windows 7, to know more about the Group Policy 2008 Features

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